Display Favicon in Blogger ::: Faviconize Yourselves!! (New)

how to add favicon to Blogger blog, favicon, add, blog, rajsharmablogs.blogspot.com, Rajarshi, Sharma, rajarshi, sharma
Well I had a personal favicon on my blog until today I discovered that the silly thing had disappeared!! ...so had a look under the blog's hood and did some tweaks and behold! the lil thingy's back!... So, since I underwent the entirely tiresome process of cut-pasting the one line of code, I've decided to document the entire process of putting in a Favicon for ur Blogger.com Blog (oh and by the way, u'll find it's a little different from other places). Here goes:
How to add a Favicon to your Blogger.com Blog (for Dummies!!!)
Create a favicon
Make an image/logo that'll suit ur blog in an image editor (MS-Paint is one for starters)
Convert the image to a favicon (.ico) file using any of the many online tools available out there in the Internet. I used www.html-kit.com for my favicon
Host the image from some file hosting server that allows a direct access to the image file. I used my trusty 'ol Fileden.com account for this one.
Now add the freakin' favicon to ur Blog already!
Login to Ur Blogger.com account and reach ur dashboard.
In the dashboard, click on the layout link for the particular blog.
On reaching the layout view, you'll get to see an "Edit HTML" link..click it!

how to add favicon to Blogger blog, favicon, add, blog, rajsharmablogs.blogspot.com, Rajarshi, Sharma, rajarshi, sharma

We've reached THE most important step now, so, pay attention!
Look for the title tag in the gibberish which will arise wen u click the "Edit Html" link.
Hopefully it look like:how to add favicon to Blogger blog, favicon, add, blog, rajsharmablogs.blogspot.com, Rajarshi, Sharma, rajarshi, sharmaBelow this, type the following additional gibberish:
how to add favicon to Blogger blog, favicon, add, blog, rajsharmablogs.blogspot.com, Rajarshi, Sharma, rajarshi, sharma

Click the "Save Template" button. Voila! u have a shiny new favicon.

how to add favicon to Blogger blog, favicon, add, blog, rajsharmablogs.blogspot.com, Rajarshi, Sharma, rajarshi, sharmawell, many places may tell u to put ur <link> tag in the <head> section for putting the favicon into ur blog. But, you'll notice I have put mine below the <title> tag (which is still actually inside the <head> tag). Well, i recommend this different approach because Blogger.com appends the meta content in the <head> above the title of the blog while dishing out ur stuff to people and within that code, they have the code for the Blogger.com favicon as well and that was the reason why my favicon disappeared in the first place!.

Anyways u can learn more about favicons from here and there...

So until later ..ciao!!

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